The Sustainability Action Program (SAP) is focused on first years and is dedicated to enabling YOU to become an effective change agent. In SAP, you will have the chance to meet and interact with other freshmen, upperclassmen, and staff working on sustainability projects on campus. In a series of workshops, field trips, fun dinners, activities and projects, we will orient you to the sustainability community at Dartmouth, engage you in making REAL change and help you chart the course you want to pursue while you’re here.
In the fall, we will focus on learning about what has already been done, lessons learned trying to make Dartmouth more sustainable and we will train you to be change makers by equipping you with tools such as design thinking, systems thinking, and behavior change theory. Then during the Winter and Spring YOU (and a team of fellow SAPs) will design and implement a project that makes Dartmouth even greener (get it? Big Green?). Apply for SAP below!
** No sustainability experience needed, come learn and grow with us**
** If you're a sustainability PRO, come learn how to get stuff done here at Dartmouth, meet people and start changing the world today!**
** Keep it brief! Each answer only needs to be a couple sentences long, no need for a huge, formal response!**
Applications are due Saturday, September 28 at midnight. If you have any questions please reach out to us at sustainable.dartmouth@dartmouth.edu. You can also email us directly at erica.l.simon.25@dartmouth.edu, madeleine.j.regulla.25@dartmouth, or amelia.p.hartshorn.25@dartmouth.edu!