Fresh water has been an abundant and therefore fairly inexpensive resource in our region. Climate change will brings us more abundant water, but it will come in new ways, mostly in high intensity storms. We anticipate that one effect of this is that costs of water treatment and distribution will rise as these systems are impacted by new patterns. At Dartmouth, we have an opportunity to think about this proactively and we have begun to sharpen our focus on our relationship with water. By understanding how and where we use water, we will develop goals that enable us to develop a resilient water system.
DATA DASHBOARD NOTES: This data dashboard displays Dartmouth's annual water footprint for fiscal years (FY) 2005-2018. Dartmouth's fiscal year runs from July 1-June 30. The data displayed are subject to change. We are actively working to improve the quality of our data and capture as complete a picture as possible of our total water footprint on campus.
For more information on Dartmouth's water system, read our FY18 Water Report or interact with the dashboard above. You can click on the different parts of the figure, modify the years of data displayed, share the dashboard with others or download the data using the small small icons in the lower right-hand corner of the dashboard. Note that in order to download some of the data, you must first click on the specific figure then the download icon.